NYC Marathon to be the 300th milestone for this brain cancer survivor
Run your Pace / what a pacer does
How I Went from Cancer Survivor to Running 300 Marathons
Julia Khvasechko from cancer to 300 marathons
The Rome Marathon Award: Runners Cup goes to Julia Khvasechko
Vatican Athletics Awards: Julia Khvasechko
TCS NYC Marathon course experience:
Runners Roundtable Podcast: Conversation with an inspiring female runner: Julia Khvasechko
Over the Next Hill Fitness Podcast
Podcast: Getting to know Oligodendroglioma survivor Julia!
Podcast: Take it from an Iron Woman - 2
Podcast: Take it from an Iron Woman
2019 Inspiring Person of the Year
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB)
Mruns Podcast: From Wheelchair-bound to running 212 marathons:
Endurance Sports and Fitness Magazine
Yakima River Canyon Marathon: #200th lifetime marathon
New York City Marathon 2017 Expo Interview: Brain Cancer Survivor runs her 195th marathon
Massage Therapist sets pace at the NYC Marathon
52 half marathons in 47 weeks -- with altitude training
Survivor to Thriver: Ultra marathoner and Licensed Massage Therapist to Runners
Survivor to Thriver – Julia’s Story
Faces of the New York City Marathon 2015